Forum Discussion

RMPL's avatar
Level 2
9 years ago

Backup Exec V-Ray edition licensing - two or more media servers and dedup


we have 5 VMware virtualization hosts with 2 CPU each and 10 licenses fo V-Ray per CPU (in proper tiers according cores count).

But our network envirment are separated to two independent secure networks so 3 VMware hosts in one network with own management and other 2 VMware hosts with own management in other network. Networks are not connected each other (and can't be for security reasons).

V-Ray licensing includes one media server and one dedup option.


a) So having purchased 10 V-Ray per CPU can we use two media servers and two dedups (with 6 CPU in one net and with 4 CPU in other net) ?

b) Or should we purchase separately 6 CPU for one network and 4 CPU for second network to allow two media servers and dedup ?

c) Or can we divide our already purchased license (to allow use two media and dedup) ?

d) Or there are general rule that one customer/company can only buy one V-Ray which cannot be divided (so such customer/company can use only one V-Ray instance) ?

e) Or maybe there are optional purchase of secondary media server nad dedup option ?

Thanks in advance

  • These are all questions you need to ask the Veritas licensing department. Nobody here will be able to assist in this regard.

    I would say that if you do Option a) you'd be in breach of licensing, and wouldn't be able to license the media server and dedupe option accordingly. If you did, you'd still be in breach of the original 10-count license.


2 Replies

  • These are all questions you need to ask the Veritas licensing department. Nobody here will be able to assist in this regard.

    I would say that if you do Option a) you'd be in breach of licensing, and wouldn't be able to license the media server and dedupe option accordingly. If you did, you'd still be in breach of the original 10-count license.


  • Thank you, I contacted sales and received confirmation of variant A. Each license of V-Ray provides the Media Server and Deduplication options. I also received a document Backup Exec Licensing Guide that confirms this on page 15 ("Each V-Ray Edition license includes:"). Sales also confirm that i can purchase all licenses in one transaction and use in our company separated enviroments.

    This is good and reasonable news. Of course I encourage everybody to get their specific scenarios and confirm individually with Veritas Sales.
