Forum Discussion

hkusumo's avatar
Level 3
9 years ago

backup performance degrade on extrenal disk



My client is running backup exec 2012 on SBS 2011 and backup to external USB disk, I notice after a while the backup speed is degrade considerably, on full backup which normally takes 7 hours when it degrade it can take more than 2 days to complete for the same backup and sometimes it doesn't complete at all after several days, the full backup size is around 1TB. I do full backup on weekend and incremental during week days.

In the past what I do is format the external disk, and run the backup again sometimes is work out fine for sometimes after that; but I found if I have to format the disk after 2-3 times, it only last 1-2 weeks before I have to reformat again.

When I take out the drive in questions and plug to a pc and do copy of large files like movie, etc.. the performance seems to be ok.

In the past I use to use seagate external drive, the drives seems to last about 1 year before I notice this happen and replace it but about a years ago when seagate refresh their external disk the drives seems to be ok for about 3-4 months and we replace with western digital and seems to last around 3-4 months as well; I notice this issue with western digital last weekend.

I just wondering if this is backup exec issues? since when I test using windows copy seems to be ok.



- Haris -

  • Hi,


    I think I found how to fix it after researching from the web, it seems check point restart for some reason cause the issue, I disable it last week, this week the backup seems to be ok.



    - Haris -

3 Replies

  • Run checkdsk /f to make sure there are no hardware issues, and look for fragmentation on the external HDD too.


  • Hi Craig,


    Thank you for the reply,

    I have run the check disk, the external disk seems to be fine, I just notice the last two time this happens with western digital disk which is different than when we use seagate disk


    The issue with western digital disk normally happen on monday after full backup on friday, I take a couple of screenshot which I attach on this post and hoping could give some clue on what causing the issue with western digital disk.

    This is what I notice.

    When I look at jobs, I notice that incremental backup is active as shown on 1.png

    Then I look at job history, the full backup is successfully completed as shown on screenshot 2.png and I notice on monday incremental backup, the status is resumed at 0%

    Then I check disk, the disk seems to be active because it has green circle on it. (3.png)

    Then I check the status alert, the only thing that happen between friday and monday backup seems to be live update check on 3/4/2016 (4.png)


    I just wondering could live update caused this issue, this backup issue with seems to be started last month with western digital disk, and it has been working for about 6 months and nothing has been changed,

    I have restarted the service yesterday and the incremental job last nite seems to be ok since I got sucessful notification this morning.


    I appreciated if you could help me to pin point what cause the issue.


    Thank you.



    - Haris -




  • Hi,


    I think I found how to fix it after researching from the web, it seems check point restart for some reason cause the issue, I disable it last week, this week the backup seems to be ok.



    - Haris -