Forum Discussion

tmt's avatar
Level 3
13 years ago

Backup Strategies and B2D2T

Hi everyone,

We recently purchased a new tape library (Dell TL2000 LTO-5) and a Netgear ReadyNAS Pro (6TB) that we would like to use as a B2D source. This is a relatively big new step for us and would like to hear some suggestions of similar experiences.

Just to give a bit of history, we have traditionally used a LTO-3 drive and made full backups every night. We had 10 daily tapes that would be used every other week (5 per week) plus 8 more tapes that we run on a Saturday for a maximum of 2 months backup (4 tapes each month).

This has gone on until the size requirements forced us to use 2 tapes (roughly 1.1TB) a night. The jobs included both file shares, Exchange, SQL..etc in the same tape and in the same job with AOFO enabled. However, I recently read a technical document that strongly recommended that GRT sources be run on a seperate job with AOFO disabled. As such, we are a bit confused on how to go about our backup strategies.


Here is what we would like to achieve with the lowest possible amount of media to achieve up to 2 months of restores:

1)Daily Full Backups to Tape for Offsite storage

2) Daily Incremental Backup to Disk

3) Weekly Full Backups to Disk

We would like to use the B2D device as the only data source so that it doesn't tax the remote PCs if possible.


We have attempted to perform a synthetic backup to disk which seems to work but would need some clarification. How do we know if it works? I tried restores on a small scale and they seemed fine. With a synthetic backup, would we need to perform regular synthetic backups or can we just use incremental backups all the way? Since the synthetic method adds the incrementals onto the baseline synthetic image, would running a synthetic backup wipe out the incrementals like traditional backups?

Here's what we did nonetheless, not sure if its correct or best practice though:


  1. Created a new file share called (DDT NoGRT)
  2. Started a Full Backup of our file shares with AOFO enabled
  3. Created a new Policy with the following templates
  • Weekly Synthetic Backup (Weekly Media)
  • Daily Incremental Backup (Collect Additional Infor for synthetic option enabled) (Daily Media)
  • Scheduled Backup Duplicate (Copy to tape after Weekly Synthetic Backup is complete)
  • Export Media Template after duplicate job is finished


  1. Created a new file share called (DDT GRT)
  2. Started a Full Backup of our file shares with AOFO disabled
  3. Created a new Policy with the following templates
  • Weekly Synthetic Backup (Weekly Media)
  • Daily Incremental Backup (Collect Additional Infor for synthetic option enabled) (Daily Media)
  • Scheduled Backup Duplicate (Copy to tape after Weekly Synthetic Backup is complete)


How can we configure BE 2010 such that it will combine both duplicate jobs to copy to the tape? I want both GRT and Non-GRT data onto the tape for offsite storage so we can perform a full recovery if the worst scenario happens.

Additionally, is it possible for BE 2010 to move the completed tape to the I/O slot of the unit? For some reason it keeps using the same tape over and over again and only uses another tape when it needs to span.  I tried exporting the media at the end of the policy but it does not seem to work. We are also looking at utilizing Archive vaults to reduce the size but I suppose that would be an entirely new topic.

I would appreciate any feedback and assistance that I receive on this issue.



Javier Wong

  • Suppose your strategy is to do a full backup on the 1st Monday and then daily incrementals thereafter. If you need to restore on the 3rd Mon., you would have to use the full backup and the 13 incrementals.  If you have done a synthetic backup on the 2nd Monday, then you only need the synthetic backup and the 6 incremental backups since then.  The idea of synthetic backup is to do a full backup without actually doing it on your system.  It assembles the full backup and all the subsequent incrementals into a new full backup.

    Have you test whether you can export a tape?  Right-click on a slot and choose export.  See whether the tape ends up in the mailslot.

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