Forum Discussion

mike_brooker's avatar
16 years ago

Backup times - sanity check

Sanity check required!

I currently run daily diffs that start between the hours of 21:00 and 23:00 hours - Mon to Thurs, I don't run a Fri diff as it seems pointless as a full backup starts on Friday.

Full backups, run between the hours of 21:00 and 23:00 hours - Friday - the reason I start on Friday is that some of the backups take 24hrs to complete, and I've staggered the times to make best use of bandwidth, no 2 jobs run at the same time, I also need the fulls finished by Monday morning.

There is no requirement to backup weekend generated data as the office is closed.

I'm aware that many people ran daily diffs to run after midnight, now assuming the office is shut over the weekend, is there any point in running a daily diff on the Monday that runs after midnight? It wouldn't have anything to backup.
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