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Kevin_Goforth's avatar
16 years ago

Backupexec 12 questions

For some reason the Backupexec Remote Agent has been installed on my Backupexec server. So my first question is should this be installed or should I uninstall it? I have never setup a server like this before so I think I know the answer but I just want another opinion.

My second question concerns restoring items for my Exchange server. Looking at the properties of the backup job it is using GRT when backing up my Exchange server. However, when I try to perform a restore I am not able to drill down to individual messages or for that matter individual mail boxes. I only see the Mailbox store and the Public Folder store but nothing beneth either of those stores. It is my understanding that I should be able to drill all the way down to individual e-mail messages.

Any guidance on either of thes questions will be greatly appreciated.

7 Replies

  • 1)   Since v9.0 all data access is via the "remote agnet", even on the media server

    2)   Does the BackupExec service account have it's own mailbox?
  • Following on from Ken's reply re. the Exchange restore, are you backing up direct to tape, as GRT won't allow restore of individual mail folders/messages direct from tape.

    If possible, back up your Exchange data to disk, then have a duplicate job write it to tape - that way, you'll have your Exchange data backed up in two places, so your tape can be kept off-site, but if you need to restore any Exchange stuff, you can restore it direct from disk and it'll be much faster.

    Hope this helps

  • So when I install Backupexec it automatically installs the Remote agent on the Media server? I guess I had just never noticed that before.

    Yes the service account does have it's own mailbox.

    And yes we are currently backing up directly to tape. I will setup the backup to disk job and see how that works. Does backupexec only allow a restore of the entire mail store from tape?

  • So when I install Backupexec it automatically installs the Remote agent on the Media server? I guess I had just never noticed that before.

    Yes the service account does have it's own mailbox.

    And yes we are currently backing up directly to tape. I will setup the backup to disk job and see how that works. Does backupexec only allow a restore of the entire mail store from tape?

    If you do a GRT Enabled Stores backup to disk, and Duplicate to tape, you can restore individual items

    BackupExec must stage the entire store to temp space on an NTFS volume directly connected to the media server, and then extract the selected items

  • I setup a B2D job for my exchange server to run every Satruday and it runs fine and I am able to do a restore from it with no problem. However, when my regular tape backup kicks off on Monday night the Exchange B2D job status changes to Qued and my tape backup doesn't run. I have double checked to make sure the Exchange B2D job is scheduled to run ONLY on Saturday. Any suggestions?

  • Hmm

    Is the B2D just a simple B2D, or have you used a policy to duplicate it as soon as the disk backup finishes

    Almost sounds like the Exchange job is waiting for a tape, and when your nightly grabs the device, the weekly fails