Forum Discussion

Adam10541's avatar
Level 2
9 years ago

BackupExec restore email archives keeps failing E000FE30 error

I'm runing BEX 14.2 and continually having a communication error (e000fe30) when attempting to restore some email archives to a different location.

I'm a computer forensics analyst not a systems admin so my experience with this software is limited.

The setup is this;

  • Standalone server running Windows Svr 2003 R2
  • SCSI LTO 4 tape drive attached
  • Restoring from LTO2 tape

The tape can be inventoried and catalogued just fine, I can restore other data types from the tape with no issues, it's only these emails that won't be restored.

I'm using the following options:

  • Restore to different location with 'localhost' and 'system login' selected (the system login has been tested and shown to work)
  • I have tried restoring to the C drive and also to an attached ext USB hard drive with no success.

Weird thing is in one instance the restore actually started, I think BEX was showing something like 'staging data' and I noticed that the C:/Temp folder had an EDB file being created, however the software hung at 29GB and I had to kill BEX and restart it. Since then I have had no other indications of getting the process to work.

I have also tried changing the log in credentials used to 'administrator' with the correct password and this made no difference. I can verify the data set with BEX and navigate all the way down to individual mailboxes so I know the data can be read, but restoring it anywhere is not working.

Any help or idea's much appreciated.

  • In order to bypass the stagging you can duplicate the data to External disk storage (NTFS ) volume and try performing restore, 

    Exchange restore needs permissions, confirm if the permissions are given

    Since you are using BE 15 you may also perform pst restores

    eoofe30 refers to communication error, check for netwrok issues, open Backup Exec ports

  • When you do a GRT-based backup to tape (Granular Restore Technology - allowing you to restore individual items from an Exchange server for instance), you need to stage the ENTIRE Information Store to disk before it restores that single item. When backing up to disk, it's already there and needs no staging.

    The default location is C:\Temp which needs as much free space as your Information Store is big. Ie. if the IS is 100GB in size when backing it up, you need a minimum of 101GB to stage it to disk temporarily. It sounds like you're running out of disk space at 29GB!

    You can change this location within BE itself. Just make sure the new location has enough free disk space. Once done, run the restore again and post back with an update.


  • Make sure that you have the correct Exchange version. If the mail is from Exchange 2007, you cannot restore it to Exchange 2010.

  • In order to bypass the stagging you can duplicate the data to External disk storage (NTFS ) volume and try performing restore, 

    Exchange restore needs permissions, confirm if the permissions are given

    Since you are using BE 15 you may also perform pst restores

    eoofe30 refers to communication error, check for netwrok issues, open Backup Exec ports

  • THanks for all the replies folks

    @CraigV - There is over 200gb space on the C drive so size wouldn't appear to be an issue.

    @pkh - At this stage I'm only trying to restore the emails to PST rather than restoring the EDB file, and as a point of interest if I attempt to restor the entire database the software is reporting that there is no database? (not sure what that means as there are clearly emails there to be restored).

    @PRAVEENCRIC - I have given the local Admin account all the required permissions as per your first link, and followed the instructions on the second link to restore to PST with no luck. Reboot and restart software tried in between, I also tied disabling the firewall in case this was causing issues but neither seemed to work. However duplicating the data did succeed and I now have the EDB file which I can parse with different software.

    Thank you all for the help.