Forum Discussion

muhammadjafar's avatar
12 years ago

BE 11d

how can I exclude the multiple files from a single backup job like I want to exclude the songs and pictures from user mapped drives



  • Hi,


    Go to your selection list and to the text can include/exclude files based on file extensions from there.



13 Replies

  • its not works "E:/testfolder \*.mp3;*.flv;*.jpg etc /SUBDIR /EXCLUDE" in a single line/entry.If i use a single line single entry then it works for me.

  • As Craig V has stated if putting each extension on it's own line works then do that instead of trying to get them all on one line BTW I would not mix up \ and / characters in the file paths, use \ in the file/folder path and use / only before the subdir and exclude statements Also (and I have not tested this) but you might find E:\testfolder\*.mp3;E:\testfolder\*.flv;E:\testfolder\*.jpg /SUBDIR /EXCLUDE works