Forum Discussion

pjamme's avatar
Level 4
9 years ago

BE 15 FP3 Unable to Update agents

First of all, I have never been able to push agents.  Always had to pull from the software.  i recently upgraded to FP3 and cannot seem to figure out how to update agets on two Windows 2008 servers.

  • You have a problem with the permissions because you are using a local admin account.  The BESA needs to be a domain admin.  See this document

9 Replies

  • Click on the BE button then click on Installation and Licencing and you should be able to find the option to push out the remote agents
  • I have tried three times it keeps saying Access Denied, as it always has.  that is why I have always pulled from software instead of pushing.  This time I do not have BE 15 FP3 software to pull from.

  • If it installs locally without giving you an access denied message, then check the following:

    1. Port 10000 is open on any firewall running;

    2. That the BE service account has admin rights on the servers in question;

    3. Disable any AV running on the problematic servers and run the push-install again.


  • pkh,

    I have tried at least three times to push as you describe it.  And as in the past I get "Access Denied".

    I have tried with the BE Admin SA and with my LA account

  • Wow, lots of posts.  I kept hitting Submit and nothing happened, then I saw that the server was in maintenance.  So I apologize that this looks like a Microsoft Forum post.

    Anyway, the BE SA is local administrator on the two servers,  I will try disabling the AV which is Trend Micro Enterprise. Not sure I have that authority as we are a world wide WAN and I am only LA, not Domain Admin.

    Tehre are no internal firewalls only external.

    Back in a few.

  • Nope Access Denied after unloading AV,See attached photo fro BE 15 console.

    It amazes me that these suggestions are still pointing to symantec.

  • They're not pointing to Veritas, they're being suggested because we've seen that happen a lot. I've had McAfee AV completely wipe out the BEDB during an upgrade because it thought it was malicious behaviour, as much as I've seen an AV scan kill backup speeds or prevent upgrades.

    Disable UAC, and if that doesn't work consider putting the media servers on the domain unless you have a business requirement for them not to be there.


  • You have a problem with the permissions because you are using a local admin account.  The BESA needs to be a domain admin.  See this document

  • thanks pkh,

    I am not a Domain Admin anymore after the migration.

    I will see if I can get a Domain Admin to update my agents when i get back from vacation on Feb 22.

    Seems strange that the BE Admin SA being a local administrator on all the servers cannot do something as simple as upgrade an agent.  Sounds more and more like MS.

    wish I was still using NetWare 6.5.  LOL