Forum Discussion

Nuri_Inuki's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

BE2010R3SP2 - How do I insert a new tape?

I have tapes loaded into a tape changer.  Sometimes, my Disk 2 Tape (D2T) jobs takes up more tapes than I anticipate and I get a message asking me to insert overwriteable media; however, when I try, BE never noticed that a new tape is inserted.  So normally, I would just run a scan job that updates BE with the latest tape information in the drives.  What I noticed though, is that my scan job never runs because my D2T job is in a "queued" state, no matter what I do to the drive, BE will not recognize it.  The only way I've been able to get around this is to cancel the D2T job and any other queued up D2T jobs that pops up after I cancelled the current one until there are no more jobs to cancel.  THEN run the scan job to update the information, and then re-run all the D2T jobs that I just cancelled.

I know I gotta be doing this the wrong way.  So, what is the proper method of putting in a new tape so BE would recognize it and continue the job?

3 Replies

  • You should put the overwritable tape in the mailslot and then import the tape into an empty slot in the targeted partition.  If you are not using barcode labels, then you have to specify the inventory after import option for the import job.  The mailslot needs to be enabled separately in the library, either through the front panel or the Web UI.

    If you have spare slots in the targeted partition, it might be better to have a spare overwritable tape in that partition before the job starts.

  • This issue is somewhat hardware specific as some libraries allow multiple operations and some do not.  It sounds like your library is one that will not allow a SCAN job to run while your backup is running.  You may be able to get an import job to run, which will get BE to refresh its view of the tapes in most libraries.

    What tape library are you using?