Forum Discussion

321-b's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

BE2014 Optimized Duplication - 'Loading Media - Duplicate' for hours

Hi There,

I have BE2014 on the latest version, and my architecture is as follows:

-Production Environment, with CASO, Duplication Add-on, and a local dedupe store on this windows 2012 R2 server.  (no extra devices connected)

-DR environment, with a BE managed server out there, and Deduplication Add-on (no extra devices involved out there either). I have a dedupe store shared out on this managed server (shared with the CASO server in Production)

-At present, there is a 1GB LAN connection between the two servers/sites.


I have my backup jobs defined on the CASO server in production, and the data is being saved to the dedupe store in Production just fine.

I have a stage added to duplicate the data over to the shared store over in DR, but the jobs are taking forever (too long for the backup window at present).

Every time i check in on it, it's almost constantly stuck on 'Loading Media - Duplicate'

Anyone got any ideas?

Thanks in advance


9 Replies

  • I am having something possibly similar with BE15 when backing up a 2012R2 server to dedup storage.  I have a ticket open on this, no immediate solution.  In our case I can backup this server to disk without issues.  just not to dedup storage.  The server has a couple hyper-v instances on it.

    What I notice is that when it hangs loading media, if I check the details of the job log while its waiting loading it shows:

    Error reported:
    No more data is on the tape.
    V-79-57344-34029 - A hardware error occurred.
    Storage device "Deduplication disk storage 0001:5" reported an error on a request to write data to media.
    Error reported:
    V-79-57344-34028 - A backup storage read/write error has occurred.

    Other jobs run before and after, it's like it's just this one troublesome server doing this.  Its as if the dedup storage encounters a condition and the job doesn't know what to do next.  The job will literrally hang there for days loading media.

  • Have you installed Service Pack 2 with Hotfix 227745? I had the same issue duplicating deduplicated backups to offsite storage until I installed both. I would have to go as far as to restart the services on the remote machine before backups would work properly after the behavior started.

    The service pack and hotfix are both in LiveUpdate to be installed, and I didn't have any issues with having to convert/remake my backups when I instaleld it.

    My setup is the same as yours, BE2014 CASO running on server 2012r2 for both my CASO and offsite media servers.

  • ...have you checked to see if this is fixed with an upgrade to BE 15?


  • Is anyone else using BE2014 with optimized duplication? Have you got around the 'loading media' / DLM issue somehow?

    Is there anyone out there doing this with shared dedupe stores and it is working fine for them?

    I know i logged a ticket with Symantec, and they said that i'll have to wait until they 'fix' the product, but this endless queue of jobs stuck on loading media for hours is clogging up my whole server and other non-duplication jobs (sometimes the loading media stays for 6 or 7 hours, or indefinately until you cancel the job)

  • Hi CraigV, yea i logged that one with Symantec, and got the logs reviewed and it seems the cause is as you guessed, and down to the DLM task. No further word of an improvement in the behaviour or hotfix in the pipeline, so i guess we will have to wait and see if they can do anything about it.

    I had a duplicate job stuck at 0% for over an hour and a half before tonight it did anything. I also had some other duplicate jobs that kept getting stuck at the loading media stage for ages today and i had to cancel them and give up eventually, as they were hogging the server and you can only run so many concurrent tasks... Unfortunately due to the delays, it's looking like offsite duplication is dificult if you are under certain time constraints to get the jobs done..

    Thanks again for your help

  • No worries, and when it comes to dedupe I'd log the call...I think they prefer it due to the way the whole dedupe folder and configuration works.


  • Hi Imosla, thanks for the reply, but i have no antivirus on the machines, and i have read that best practices guide allready and the config is in accordance with the info on that link

    Hi CraigV, thanks for that - you may be on to something there. I haven't done any debugging just yet, but i have seen one occurrance of that message in the adamm.log file:

    "[06036] 04/24/15 18:52:26.994 PvlDrive::DismountMedia() - current dismount time waiting on reservation is 2400 seconds of 14400 seconds max."

    i'm going to keep digging and troubleshooting myself, but i guess i should give symantec a call as per the article to see if they think it is the same issue, and maybe they have made some progress on it since the article was published

    thanks again for your help .. any further comments welcome

  • Hi,


    Check and make sure this isn't happening in your environment:
