Forum Discussion

vsuryana's avatar
Level 3
12 years ago

BUE 2012 target and initiator

Hi, I want to do a backup from drive A to drive B using Symantec BUE 2012. I am not able to find an option that tells backup from this drive to another. Please let me know how I can specify my initiator drive (drive that needs to be backed up) and a target drive (drive that stores the backed up data).


Vidya Suryanarayana


  • Vidya, 

       Im just a bit confused on what it is that youre trying to accomplish. I believe that youre just trying to backup the media server itself. You would not be backing up to a particular drive but rather the B2D folder that resides on a particular drive. You are able to create 1 B2D folder per drive location/volume. In this creation of the backup job job if you edit the selection list on the left hand side you are able to customize the selections that you want to be backed up. if you edit the selections on the right under "Backup" and select the storage tab you can select the B2D folder that resides on the drive you would like to backup to be stored on. 

6 Replies

  • You need to setup a Backup to disk folder on Drive B and then create a backup job to backup drive A to that Backup to disk folder you created

  • Vidya, 

       Im just a bit confused on what it is that youre trying to accomplish. I believe that youre just trying to backup the media server itself. You would not be backing up to a particular drive but rather the B2D folder that resides on a particular drive. You are able to create 1 B2D folder per drive location/volume. In this creation of the backup job job if you edit the selection list on the left hand side you are able to customize the selections that you want to be backed up. if you edit the selections on the right under "Backup" and select the storage tab you can select the B2D folder that resides on the drive you would like to backup to be stored on. 

  • I hope you are not asking about Replication (where Drive B ends up being a copy of Drive A) as Backup Exec is NOT a replication product


    What Backup Exec does is a backup process where data from drive A is stored inside files on Drive B (In a Disk Storage Device or B2D), but if you look in Windows Explorer Drive B content will not equal Drive A)

  • Thank you for your responses. I am now able to successfully backup to drive.


    Vidya Suryanarayana