Forum Discussion

Luca_Salvatore's avatar
19 years ago

Can you do this?

Is it possible to back up the .pst files on the Desktop/Laptop by using the %username% instead of directing the DLO agent to user the users name within the profile?

e.g. c:\documents and settings\%username%\local settings\application data\Microsoft\outlook\

4 Replies

  • So i tried it anyway and it worked for only a few users. Out of about 400 users only about 20 are getting their PST backed up

    What would be the best way to backup everyones PST. I dont want to create 400 seperate profiles for everyone so how can i backup everyones PST file?
  • You can try using the double "*" See the admin guide for more specifics, but try

    "c:\Documents and Settings\**\local settings\application data\Microsoft\outlook\"
  • Hi Luca,

    To backup a file "DLO" you have to add individually to the backup selection list.
    You cannot use any wildcard characters.
    However, you may launch a product enhancement request using the following link:


    NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.