Forum Discussion

kenn2347's avatar
Level 2
14 years ago

Can you export BE config and import it to new server?

Hello,  my question is does BE version 12 or 2010(sorry cant remember) have the ability to export it's configuration (to include jobs and policies) and then import that info into a new installation?


I have a customer that is using BE inside a VM as well as a bunch of other applications that are starting to make the VM perform bad.  He wants to create a new VM and move the BE config to it.  I do not know this product and i am unsure if this is possible.  If it is possible, i would think some of the steps would be like this:


1  Export Config

2  Create new VM

3  Install BE on new VM

4 Import Config


Is this even possible?  I am trying to see if we can aviod having to recreate all the backup policies


Thanks for your help.

8 Replies

  • Yes it can be done. DATA folder inside BE installation directory will be holding all your configuration data. Catalogs will be saved under CATALOGS folder. So by copying DATA folder to the newly installed BE you will get all your configuration back.

    Complete procedure here:

    How to migrate from Backup Exec from one version to an another on different server with a different server name

    How to migrate Backup Exec to another server with a different Windows OS version:


  • Hello Kenn,


    Here is the procedure


    > Assuming that you are going to install the same BE version on the new VM , you can follow these simple steps to get all the jobs & policies back on the new installation


    Step 1 ) On the old BE server , open windows services & stop the service SQL server (BKUPEXEC) , this will stop all the BE services. Go to the BE installation directory \Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Data. & you just need to copy the two files bedb_dat.mdf & bedb_log.ldf to a different location. This file will contain all the jobs & policies. Also copy your catalogs folder

    Step 2) Create a new VM & install the same version of BE. copy the database files from the old server on the desktop of the new server & then Run BEutility Copy Database to import the desktop BEDB files. After the operation is completed open BE console to confirm. refer the document

    Copy Database Document -



    If you are planning to install a new version of BE on the VM. eg old BE is 12.5 & the new one is 2010 then refer the following document


  • Awesome  thanks for the quick reply.  I will forward this to the customer for him to review.

  • Hi Kenn,

    If your query got resolved, canyou please mark the solution?


  • RRE 

    rather than copy the mdf and ldf files, it is better to grab the BEDB.BAK file (created every day at 0400 by default), copy that to the new server and then use BEUTIL to "Recover configuration from a file"

  • Hello Kenn , 


    Any update on this issue ?



    Please mark the solution if issue is resolved




  • We havent tried the solutions presented here yet.  Customer had to order more Windows lic for the new VM.


    I will post an update as soon as we try this out.

