Can't backup domain controller
Updated from BE 2014 to BE 15. Getting the following error when backing up a Domain Controller. Although this is an upgrade, I am just now trying to backup a domain controller and Sharepoint Farm. The SharePoint Farm seems to be backing up. At least I'm not getting any error messages. The 2 attempts at backing up the domain controller have resulted in the following error:
V-79-57344-844 - Cannot complete the operation because the Virtual File Filter (VFF) driver cannot be found. Ensure that the Agent for Microsoft Active Directory is installed and that the VFF driver is enabled and then retry. Alternatively, disable Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) and then retry.
Do I need to install the Agent for Applications and Databases on the Backup Exec Server? Our license does include this feature. I went ahead and tried to add the this on the Server, but the installation keeps failing. Says it can't locate the files and the installation is rolled back. Yes the CD is inserted. Tried to start the install of options from both the Backup Exec interface and the CD itself.
Yes. You need to have an Agent for Application and Databases licence if you want to have a GRT backup of AD.
Is the CD mounted at the same drive letter as when you installed BE?
You can try going to Add/Remove Programs and do a repair of BE before attempting to add the licence again.
Note that to backup AD,
1) you need to install the BE remote agent on the DC.
2) the BESA must be a domain admin.
3) for AD on Server 2012/Server 2012 R2, the media server must be on the same OS.