Forum Discussion

Jeff_Mason's avatar
Level 3
18 years ago

Can't Restore Exchange 2003 to a Recovery Storage Group

This was in another thread I posted a question to -- it was marked with a correct answer but a key question was not explicitly answered on it.

Problem: Exchange Backup Exec is failing to restore to the RSG with the following error:

Unable to restore the selected Microsoft Exchange database 'x' because it is currently mounted. Use the Exchange System Manager to dismount it, and then retry the job.
V-79-57344-65072 - Connection to the restore target has been lost. Operation canceled

We just activated the license for Exchange and this is our first test of the software. We need to get this to work.

On the thread I recently posted a question to, there was a registry hack provided to make this work and the user posted that it did work. However, the user had also asked whether this hack would cause Exchange to blow out the live SGs. No specific answer was given. Can I apply this registry change without jeopardizing the existing SG?

The change from the other thread:

Open regedit.exe
Browse to HKLM:Software\Veritas\Backup Exec\Engine\ESE
Click on Edit - New - DWORD Value
Type Value_name = "ignore mount state"
Value = DWORD(1)
Recycle Backup Exec services on both servers.
Run the restore job thereafter.

4 Replies

  • Will someone please answer this question? I have no option to email this to Symantec. Or if there is a phone number to call, could someone please post this? This is a first time install for us and the product is worthless to us if we can't restore into a storage recovery group.
  • Hi Jeff

    I have used the Exchange RSG and I do NOT have that key in my registry.

    You may have already covered these, but i'm including a few points from the Admin Guide section on the Exchange Agent, just in case ...

    ■ Mailbox stores in the RSG must come from the same storage group. You cannot add mailbox stores from different storage groups to the RSG at the same time.

    ■ Public Folder stores are not supported for restore using the RSG.

    Do not mount mailbox stores in the RSG before the restore. If you do mount the stores before the restore, then you must dismount them and select 'This database can be overwritten by a restore' on the database property page in Exchange System Manager prior to restoring them.

    ■ On the server that hosts the RSG, there must be a storage group with the same name as the original storage group for the data you are restoring. If no such storage group exists on the server, then you can use that name for the RSG when you create it.

    Do any of these help?

  • Thanks for the try, but all of those apply and have been checked. We are following the book to the letter and are missing something.

    The ONLY thing I can think of is that we have "(...)" in our SG names. In other words, parentheses are part of the name. Is that possibly what is messing it up? That's the only thing I can find out of the ordinary/not by the book.
  • Further Info --

    We have tried to install other copies of Exchange both on another domain and on the same domain and restored to these locations. NONE of them are working, which leads me to believe that we just flat out can't restore anything for Exchange, making this worthless to us. We keep ending up with the same error message or one like it (Final error: 0xe000030a - The database is currently mounted or is not enabled for restore.). Every time I try to call Symantec support I get on a long wait which I have to bail out on because I can't sit at a phone for over 30 minuntes. Could someone please help us? We just bought this license and need this to work.