Forum Discussion

alexey107's avatar
Level 4
9 years ago

Can't restore VM's vmdk to different storage

We use BE 2015 with all updates. Virtual infrastructure is ESXi5.5.0 all servers are part of cluster. Also we have several SAN datastores to which all cluster nodes have access.
I need to restore VM to different datastore than original is. I create restore job as:
"to a differnet vCenter or ESX server"
Virtual machine datastore or datastore cluster- here we select different storage.
After restore completed we have only "Virtual machine Configuration File" and "Virtual Machine Working Location" located on storage i selected in the job. But all VM's .vmdk are on the same storage as the original one.
How could i make job to restore all vmdks to the storage that i need.

10 Replies

  • This is unexpected behavior. Have you logged a formal support case ? Thanks.

  • Would recommend installing FP2 and rerun the restore. If it still does not work, pls log a formal support case. Thanks.

    Link to FP2 (released on 19 Oct) -

  • Yes, i can redirect restore to stand alone ESX which has access only to local datastore. In this case we have restored VM config and vmdk on this local storage.

  • Have you tried to redirect to an ESX host directly and select another datastore ?

  • Were the options such as Network and Use original disk datastore selections used ?

    If not, would recommend to log a formal support case and have an engineer review your setup.

  • I just have tried to restore redirected VM using no spec chars like # in its name. Same result.

  • Does a redirected restore of a VM which does not contain special characters in its name (# in this case), work fine ?

  • Could you post the restore job log over here pls ? Thanks.

    Did you select individual VMDKs for restore or did you select the VM itself from the left pane in the restore selections ?