Forum Discussion

muinfotech's avatar
Level 2
13 years ago

Concurrent B2D jobs BE2010 R3

Hi everyone! I've got a bit of an annoying stumper going on. We are backing up physical Windows (2000, 2003, and 2008,) Linux (SuSE SLES 10, 11 and OES2,) Solaris (10,) and NetWare (6.5 SP8) boxe...
  • muinfotech's avatar
    13 years ago

    After much "banging head on the desk" time, we were able to narrow it down to the RAID config. We knew that there was a speed penalty for using RAID6, but didn't realize that it was as extreme as it is. I've attached a disk benchmark that we ran on the server, and you can see how much of a difference it made.

    Both of these tests were performed on the exact same hardware. We started out at RAID6 because of the sub-par reliability of the disks we'd purchased, so did the initial speed test and found those terrible results. Running iostat on the server found incredibly high await times, and most of the cpu cycles of the server (a quad-core AMD Phenom with 8GB of memory) were being spent in iowait. Had the controller rebuild itself to RAID5 (which it was able to do on the fly with no data loss,) and after it was done, there was an incredibly dramatic performance gain, as you can see.