connect an auto loader to two servers at the same time?
assuming i have an auto loader with 80 slots and 4xLTO7 drives, is it possible to cinnect two drives to server A and two drives to server B and partition the auto loader so each server will see a 40 slot auto loader with 2x LTO7 drives?
of course both server will run full version of Backup Exec (without agents).
i know i can use one server and install an agent on the second server, but we want to know if what i wrote above is possible.
CASO also adds the ability to share hardware and to share the BE catalogs which greatly simplifies restores. But, if you don't want/need it, it is not required at all. It could always be added later if things change.
You are correct about the workflow.
As far as the sharing... it is apparently hardware "magic". The library queues up requests for one server/library if the other server/library is busy. BE is not aware of the partitioniong/sharing. Mounting or unmounting a tape is relatively quick, so the second request justs gets delayed slightly and BE tolerates it fine. Each tape drive is not shared, so there is no contention there.
When you configure the partitioning within the 6480, it create two "logical" robotic arms. One logical arm is assigned to the first tape drive in the first partion and one arm is assigned to the first tape drive in the second partiton.