Forum Discussion

GLowle's avatar
Level 2
16 years ago

Connecting to Remote NetWare Agents with BE12.5 (ex. BE9.2 user)

Last week we migrated from BE9.2 on NetWare (EOL) to 12.5 on Windows 2008 (64bit). Everything appears to be working nicely with the exeception of 2 things:



I cannot drop a remote install of the NetWare agent to my NetWare servers using the 12.5 GUI. Using the Tools > Install Agents and Media Servers on Other server > NetWare Remote Agents > Add > At this stage I need a Novell Client on the server do I not? If I hit the browse button it cannot find any NDS resources. Therefore, is there a bundled standalone NetWare agent installation (*.ips?) that I can shift directly to the NetWare servers and run? I do not believe there is a 'released' Windows 2008 client.


In the meantime, with the already configured NetWare remotes (ex. BE9.2 agents) I have configured them with Advrtms.dat files and my 12.5 installation can now see them, but, everytime I browse the NetWare resources when creating a job it wants to clarify the login to use which I duly select from the 'Logon Accounts' and then browse the volumes and choose data for backup. If I complete the job creation and try testing with the 'Resource Credentials - Test All' field all my NetWare resources come back with 'Access is Denied'. Is this again down to a lack of NetWare Client on the server?



  • RTFM I guess.


    I managed to get round the 'no Novell client on Windows 2008' by installing the management console on my XP desktop and pushing from there. So that one's sorted.


    The testing of the resource credentials always fail, however when the job is submitted the credentials appear to work. So a Herring of the red variety...



2 Replies

  • RTFM I guess.


    I managed to get round the 'no Novell client on Windows 2008' by installing the management console on my XP desktop and pushing from there. So that one's sorted.


    The testing of the resource credentials always fail, however when the job is submitted the credentials appear to work. So a Herring of the red variety...



  • Just curious, what version of NetWare are you running?


    I am unable to find proof anywhere that the Backup Exec Agent for NetWare will work with legacy netware.  I'm affraid that it's designed for Novel's Linux offerings and won't be compatable with older systems.