Forum Discussion

magix's avatar
Level 5
15 years ago

Could not create Backup To Disk folder ? "access denied" - Very strange !

Dear all,

After hours of trying, I really don't understand what is happening !

1. First I create a network connection account.
2. Then I click on "New Backup To Disk folder" and I browse the network to find my NAS.

If my connection account is "limited" I can browse but I can't select a folder, therefore I made is "global".

3. Everything seems all right, but when I want to save my new B2D folder, clicking "ok" to close the "New Backup To Disk folder" folder, it says :
"Access Denied"

4. Therefore I tried many different usernames :

All of them are working in BE 2010 to browse and select the folder.
All of them are working in Windows as user.
None of them solve the "Acess Denied" error when validating the new folder.

5. I even tried the Backup Exec Backup to Disk Test Tool - B2Dtest.exe

It also says "Access Denied", even with the above working logins ???????

6. Even more strange, if I look in my NAS logs (Samba/FreeNAS) I found this highly strange entry when it fails :
    smbd[5773]: svcctl_get_secdesc: key lookup failed! [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\BackupExecAgentAccelerator\Security] (WERR_BADFILE)

Really any help would be greatly appreciated, because it looks really strange that some parts of BE 2010 can login and some others couldn't ???


  • The network account are used for backing up the NAS and the backup exec service account (BESA) it need access to the devices i.e backup to disk folder on Nas in your case. So you need to make sure the BESA account have full admin rights on the NAS box.

6 Replies

  • Some version information about my NAS :
    • smbd version 3.0.37 started
    • FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE-p4 (revision 199506)

  • Make sure to use the same account under which BE services are started. Use the BE service account in the NAS and give it full permission. Make sure your NAS is in domain

  • Dear sazz, this looks interesting, thank you for your reply, what do you mean by "use the same account under which BE services are started". ?
    BE services are started (Windows) under Admin, or Administrator I suppose.
    Do you mean I have to create a login with the same name on the NAS ?

    In this case, what are the "network connection account" for ? Don't Backup Exec use these to connect ?

    Thank in advance for your lights :-)
  • The network account are used for backing up the NAS and the backup exec service account (BESA) it need access to the devices i.e backup to disk folder on Nas in your case. So you need to make sure the BESA account have full admin rights on the NAS box.

  • That's crazy ! Thank you very much, now it works !!! But I'm puzzled :

    Now it works, therefore if I understand you correctly, "network accounts" are meant to backup FROM the device, while to back up TO device it must have the same login as "Backup Exec services (BESA)" ? Is that right ?

    But then, why is Backup Exec asking for a "network account" when browsing backup destinations, this seems illogical ?

    And last question (of course if you have still some time to help me ;-) :
    • Is there a way to change the login and password used by BESA ? I would prefer to have different logins/password on each machines ?
    Thank you very much for your help !
    I wish you a very nice day


  • The BESA account uses the password set in the active directory ..if the password there changes the password in backup exec also changes ..
    You can go to network logon account ,and can change the passwords and created different account here ....