Forum Discussion

Lakshantha's avatar
Level 3
12 years ago


We have 2 sites (A & B ) with a CASO server and MMS server in site A

MMS server in site B.

Running backup Exec 2012

Site A Config

MMS server has a De-duplication disk storage shared with MMS server on site B which is used as backup storage for site B.

iSCSI Tape Library connected to MMS server

Site B Config

No local backup storage or tape libraries connected.

Use shared de-duplication disk storage on site A for backup storage.


Need to configure and schedule Tape offload jobs for site B backup jobs using Site A tape library.


How to get his done? I don’t get an option to configure tape duplicate jobs if i use site B MMS server for the source jobs.


  • ...mmm...iSCSI means you would be able to present that library to the remote server across your WAN/LAN.

    Check the TN below which mentions that iSCSI is supported:

    You'd need the Enterprise Server Option in order to do this. This would license SAN SSO, which in turn allows you to share your library across the WAN to Site B.

    You really need to think about the sort of speeds you're likely to get across your WAN though...

    TN on the ESO option:

    So, what you want to do is entirely possible with what you have...


  • You need to configure Backup Exec with an approprate private cloud server configuration (whcih may or may not need CASO/ESO depending on ecatlu which options best fits your requirements.

    Please reveiw the information in


    Please bear in mind that the documenst referenced in the above article discussed a configuration where the private cloud server is hosted by a managed service provider. In a large WAN environment this can be assumed to just be a remote site owned by the same company and any references to VP links can be replaced with just a WAN link.


    Make sure you review each of the configuration options

    - Multitenenant cloud media server

    - Offsite Copy to cloud managed media server

    - Offsite copy to cloud central administration server

    - Direct copy

    In order to decide which configuration might be most appropriate based on speed/reliability of WAN links and availability of on on-site Media server (including where the tape device will be located)


4 Replies

  • Site B MMS server do not have any connectivity with the tape library available in Site A. So what you are trying to do doesn't seem to be possible. 

    ....but, Site A MMS server have the connectivity to both dedup storage and tape library available in site A. So why can't you try using that MMS server?

    Just an idea.

  • I’m trying to see the possibility of using Site B MMS server to backup to Site A Tape library but want to know whether it's possible to share the Tape library with site B MMS.

    using site A MMS to backup site B is an option but first want to know whether we can achieve this using site B MMS?


  • ...mmm...iSCSI means you would be able to present that library to the remote server across your WAN/LAN.

    Check the TN below which mentions that iSCSI is supported:

    You'd need the Enterprise Server Option in order to do this. This would license SAN SSO, which in turn allows you to share your library across the WAN to Site B.

    You really need to think about the sort of speeds you're likely to get across your WAN though...

    TN on the ESO option:

    So, what you want to do is entirely possible with what you have...


  • You need to configure Backup Exec with an approprate private cloud server configuration (whcih may or may not need CASO/ESO depending on ecatlu which options best fits your requirements.

    Please reveiw the information in


    Please bear in mind that the documenst referenced in the above article discussed a configuration where the private cloud server is hosted by a managed service provider. In a large WAN environment this can be assumed to just be a remote site owned by the same company and any references to VP links can be replaced with just a WAN link.


    Make sure you review each of the configuration options

    - Multitenenant cloud media server

    - Offsite Copy to cloud managed media server

    - Offsite copy to cloud central administration server

    - Direct copy

    In order to decide which configuration might be most appropriate based on speed/reliability of WAN links and availability of on on-site Media server (including where the tape device will be located)