Forum Discussion

MarcelGaertner's avatar
13 years ago

"Die Abfrage für Jobview ist fehlgeschlagen"

Hallo an alle,

habe auf einem SBS 2011 BackupExec 2012 SBS Edition installiert ... Installation lief Fehlerfrei durch ... Habe als Speicher ein RDX-Laufwerk konfiguriert ... lief sauber durch .. auf der Startseite steht aber immer noch "kein Speicher konfiguriert" ... Habe den lokalen Server bei "Backup und Wiederherstellung" hinzugefügt .. wird aber nicht angezeigt ... links unten auf der Startseite blinkt ein gelbes Ausrufezeichen bei dem steht "Die Abfrage für Jobview ist fehlgeschlagen" ...


Komme einfach nicht weiter .. Jemand eine Idee ??



  • Both the issues I mentioned in my previous update now have the hotfix relesased for them.

    It may not be on liveupdate yet as we have to get teh manual update available before we can release it to liveupdate.

    Hotfix 180962

    Bear in mind that for issue 2 (as described by me earlier in this thread) the hotfix will probably only stop the problem happending in the future if you already have the problem then you may still need a support case to help you remove the faulty entries inside the BEDB.


  • ... warten ???  gehört diese Fehlermeldung auch zu diesem Problem ?

    Fehler bei ODBC-Zugriff. Mögliche Ursache: Getrennte Verbindung zur Datenbank oder gescheiterter Zugriff auf Katalogindex in der Datenbank.



  • Sorry can't type in German


    We have at least two known issues that can cause that error


    Issue 1) You see that error and you can't see any servers listed to create backup jobs against


    - this is being fixed by a Hotfix was will be released either later today or by early next week. Documentation authoring against the release started overnight.

    Issue 2) You see that error, but the server list is visible, however jobs are not visible against server resources, even if you create new jobs


    - The cause for this error which relates to deleting jobs in the console will be fixed by the same hotfix mentioned above. However I am not currently sure if you will need assistance from support should you already have the problem.

    - We have seen at least one customer with this second issue be fixed by selecting the All Servers Group and then looking at the jobs list against the group and deleting any that state "Invalid Schedule" or "Ungültiger plan" (in German) and then restarting the console.

  • Ich glaube den Fehler hatten wir hier auch schon.

    Es muss eine Englische SQL Version installiert werden. Dann geht alles.

    Vielleicht geht es auch noch anders, wie Sprache in SQL oder so.

  • Both the issues I mentioned in my previous update now have the hotfix relesased for them.

    It may not be on liveupdate yet as we have to get teh manual update available before we can release it to liveupdate.

    Hotfix 180962

    Bear in mind that for issue 2 (as described by me earlier in this thread) the hotfix will probably only stop the problem happending in the future if you already have the problem then you may still need a support case to help you remove the faulty entries inside the BEDB.