Forum Discussion

CEIMaine's avatar
Level 3
13 years ago

Differential not running.

So I have my jobs set up as such:

and here is a sampe of the run time settings:

The Differential job for Monday Night did not Run. It didnt even attempt it. Sould I not create the jobs like after the other?

7 Replies

  • Hi,


    It would be just easier to select Mon, Tue,Wed Thu etc in one Differential stage instead of creating 5 different differential stage from a management perspective

    Unless you have something speciic in mind?


  • Thank you for the response. I would like the jobs to go to a differnt tape every night hence the separate jobs.

    I know its kind of stupid but it help me keep things organized without having to think about it too much.

    If I cant do it this way I will ajust.

  • You can set the job to overwrite and select a media set which has overwrite protection period set till the time you want your older tapes to be overwritten. This way every job will take a new tape.

    Although I am still not sure why the job did not run? Anything special in teh schedules of the other differential jobs for tuesday etc? or the full job?

  • Nothing fancy. Just very basic jobs.. thats all I can comprehend at my current level.

    I wonder if I should create spearate Full and Differential Jobs.

  • Had you let the Full Run - or did you create this sequence of jobs on Monday expecting the differential to run? If the full did not run, then run the full, even if you use "Run Now" to do it.

  • My full did not if I say Run now will it start or will it go to the next shcedule time?

  • Hi CEIMaine.  I'm an engineer on the Symantec Backup Exec UI team.

    A full backup is needed as a baseline for Differential or Incremental backups.  With your jobs scheduled as they are, if you invoke "Run Now" on the Full, it will run the full backup -- and your Differentials will then run as scheduled.

    Since you've added five total backup tasks to your backup stage, you needed to collapse their detail view.  However, that's where we inserted a hint to clue you in to this behavior.  Looks like we could make this more prominent until you've run your first full:


    Full backup jobs have a schedule option to both "Run Now" and as scheduled.  It's an admittedly visually busy screen, but here's what that option looks like (checked, three lines from the bottom):