Forum Discussion

Tony_Christians's avatar
15 years ago

Differential restore question

Running Backup exec 2010 on Windows 2003 server. Will restoring a differential backup do deleting of files also? Here is the scenerio. Monday - I do a full backup Tuesday I delete file test.txt Tuesd...
  • Ken_Putnam's avatar
    15 years ago
    Gotta disagree with AZC

    No, a differential will NOT delete files, but it will restore any files that were backed up, overwriting any that exist (if you tell it to do so)

    Since TEST.TXT was  backed up on Monday's backups it will be restored when you restore the Monday Full,  and will still be there after you restore the Tuesday DIfferential

    The Symantec respose to this situation is the Synthetic backup.   This uses a previous full (or synthetic) and an incremental to produce a backup set that is the same as it would be if a full were done at that time