Forum Discussion

Florian_Zimmerm's avatar
18 years ago

Error: 33808 & Unable to Lock Changer.cfg

HW/SW versions
Symantec Backup Exec 11D for Windows Servers, rev. 6235, hotfix 6 & hotfix 9 installed.
Windows Server 2003 SP1.
Iomega REV ATAPI 35GB, Firmware: 74B (April, 2004 = latest, as for feb,2007)
Iomega REV System Software v.4.11.39

configuration backup exec:
- removable backup to disk
- use rev system tools to cmd-line format the rev-"tapes" in advance of the backup-job (batch triggered by backup-exec), for i have seen bexec not to be able to format rev-disks (set option in backup job seems to be ignored)
- another batch makes the rev-device spit out "tapes" after job completes

1. job hangs around in active "preparing" state but does not start to backup data.
2. eventlog states 2x:
Error 33808
source: backup exec
An error occurred while processing a B2D command.
Changer: LockAndRefreshChangerConfig() Unable to Lock Changer.cfg (F:\VERITAS\B2D\Changer.cfg). Error=3

9 Replies

  • next planned backup:

    - did install hotfix 10 and hoftix 11 via liveupdate yesterday (no restart of windows server)
    - changed value as stated in:홢

    behaviour did change, as that backup did start, but some time during backup a message-bubble in taskbar stated, that errors while writing to media occured. system eventlog: warning - source: revfs - id: 50 - error while writing to path:\whatever.bkf
  • still points on this to earn, blokes, just want to keep you all up to date :)

    backup did complete with failure-status - byte size indicates roughly all of the data seems to have been written to rev-disk.
    error: V-79-57344-33992 (see: and ignore the indications this faillure only occurs with backup exec 9.x and 10.x - generosity has become my major quality since dealing with iomega and symantec).
    another event in application-log has shown up, one second after the seen 33808, namely event-number 57665, source backup exec, which is:

    device reported an error on request to read data from media

    file or folder is damaged/corrupt/non-readable

    copied the 5gb-sized .bkf�s to disk - one of these is damaged.Message was edited by:
    Florian Zimmermann
  • changed nothing so nothing has changed - backup fails with errors while writing to media - used ntbackup not to drop a brick, if costumer decides he?d like to get some files back from yesterday.

    another question: does anyone have any clue what to try next - i?m at my wits end

    edit: i did try to use veritas drivers with the rev, but somehow backup exec did not allow them to be installed - can i try another set of drivers apart from the ones iomega provides and how are they installed?
  • reverted configuration change from post 2 (see link) to see if behaviour was influenced by the at the same time installed hotfixes (see post 2). nothing changed - status is as inital post describes.
    at the moment ntbackup is writing to tape which has b2d....lck on it (shoul�nt the device be locked?)
  • backup did run without error, eventlog has error 33808, as all the days before - when backup starts.

    my next steps will be to make a job with backup exec (b2d) and let ntbackup write to tape afterwards - to be sure, the problem is somewhere in communication between rev and backup exec, or if there�s a general error condition.

    inital error/event is not an indication of a condition (at least solely) decisive for backups success - intelligent input, diagnostic tips or tools to get more info welcome.
  • second backup in a row completed sucessfully - with varying transfer bandwidth (first time 700mb/min, second 170mb/min) - reason unknown.
  • backup failed again, job is active, but stucks in preparation state (in advance of backup operation)
  • since last post, symptoms did not change - did manual backups with ntbackup on rev.
    at the moment i do a install of veritas backup exec 9 sp5.