Forum Discussion

John_Renteria's avatar
11 years ago

error: copia hacia cinta, en Backup Exec 2012, no se completa.

Backup Exec 2012: Tengo un pequeño problema, las copias de seguridad completas desde los discos del servidor de backup, hacia cinta no se completan, a pesar de que existe en el mismo grupo de soportes cintas vacias, correctamente inventariadas, catalogadas y etiquetadas.

Es decir, la copia llena una cinta en el grupo, pero no toma la siguiente (que esta vacia y en el mismo grupo de soporte)... se queda estancada la copia, y aparece una alerta: "inserte un soporte reescribible en la biblioteca robotica mediante el comando de importacion"...

Cancelo esa copia; la vuelvo a ejecutar, y ahí si toma la cinta vacia del grupo...

Espero puedan apoyarme 

Gracias de antemano

  • Go to the media tab. click on each tape and check that the tapes are overwritable before the start of a job.  If you erase the tape and move it to the media set, it immediately take on the OPP of the media set and probably would not be overwritable.  Leave them in the scratch media set so that they can be ovewritten.  After the job has used them, they would be moved to the media set targeted by the job.

1 Reply

  • Go to the media tab. click on each tape and check that the tapes are overwritable before the start of a job.  If you erase the tape and move it to the media set, it immediately take on the OPP of the media set and probably would not be overwritable.  Leave them in the scratch media set so that they can be ovewritten.  After the job has used them, they would be moved to the media set targeted by the job.