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boykott's avatar
Level 2
11 years ago

Error: "Failed to load Provider" while Installing Backup Exec 2012


i'm trying to Upgrade Symantec Backup Exec 2010 R3 to Backup Exec 2012 (V-Ray) on a Windows Server 2008 R2. I get the Error: "Die Installation ist aufgrund eines unerwarteten Fehlers fehgeschlagen: Fehler beim laden des Anbieters" which can be translated to: "The installation failed due to an unexpected error: Error loading provider". 

Steps I did befor I tried Upgrading Backup Exec:

I virtualized our physical Backup Server in VMWare.

Upgraded SQL 2005 to SQL 2008 R2.

Updated Backup Exec 2010 R2 till no more updates where available.

What I tried to solve this issue:

Successful run the pre Install check (Just got three Warnings: No Symantec AntiVirus, No media devices, Terminal services)

Run the Installation Local.

Repairing the WMI like suggested here, because i got the exact same Error Log. Unsuccessfully.


At the moment i'm re-downloding the ISO Image to verify that the ISO is not corrupted.

Thanks in Advance

My Error Log:

Symantec Backup Exec (TM) 2012 Installation Log
03-28-2014,09:06:57 : EnumProcesses Counts: 73
03-28-2014,09:06:57 : Windows Operating System Version: 6.1
03-28-2014,09:06:57 : GetProductInfo returned success. Checking for CORE OS values.
03-28-2014,09:06:59 : Executing managed _Setup:
03-28-2014,09:06:59 : C:\Users\dzovko\Desktop\BE\BE\WINNT\INSTALL\BEx64\Install\_Setup.exe
03-28-2014,09:07:00 : Loading XML from:
03-28-2014,09:07:00 : C:\Users\dzovko\Desktop\BE\BE\WINNT\INSTALL\BEx64\Install\IFProducts.xml
03-28-2014,09:07:00 : RawsDlgSequence::CheckInstMode
03-28-2014,09:07:00 : BEOperations::BE_GetInstalledProdCodeVersion()
03-28-2014,09:07:00 : Found 13.0.x BEWS Product.
03-28-2014,09:07:00 : RawsDlgSequence::CheckUpgrade
03-28-2014,09:07:00 : Installing Version 14.0.1798; (Major=14, Minor=0, Build=1798) > Target Version 13.0.5204; (Major=13, Minor=0, Build=5204)
03-28-2014,09:07:02 : Folgende Installationsmedienprüfdatei wird verwendet: C:\Users\dzovko\Desktop\BE\BE\WINNT\INSTALL\BEx64\Install\Manifest.csm
03-28-2014,09:07:13 : 731 Dateien verarbeitet.
03-28-2014,09:07:13 : Die Installationsmedien wurden geprüft.
03-28-2014,09:07:13 : Processing completed in 0 hours 0 minutes 12 seconds
03-28-2014,09:07:14 : BEOperations::BE_GetInstalledProdCodeVersion()
03-28-2014,09:07:15 : DJM was not found to be enabled. Not a CASO-MMS.
03-28-2014,09:07:15 : SSO key found for upgrade, value: 0
03-28-2014,09:07:15 : Dell Storage Provisioning was not found to be enabled.
03-28-2014,09:07:15 : DLO was not found to be enabled.
03-28-2014,09:07:15 : Backup Exec version 13.0.5204 is registered with the system.
03-28-2014,09:07:15 : Writing Install Registry Value (Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\14.0\Install\Upgrade Version: 13.0.5204.0)
+ 03-28-2014,09:07:15 : Failed to Read Install Registry Value (Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\14.0\Install\Path: )
+ 03-28-2014,09:28:26 : Die Installation ist aufgrund eines unerwarteten Fehlers fehlgeschlagen:Fehler beim Laden des Anbieters
+ 03-28-2014,09:28:27 : bei System.Management.ManagementException.ThrowWithExtendedInfo(ManagementStatus errorCode) bei System.Management.ManagementObjectCollection.ManagementObjectEnumerator.MoveNext() bei Symantec.IFrameSDK.CommonOps.CSysInfoOps.GetComputerModel(String& strComputerModel) bei Symantec.BackupExec.BeSeqDlgs.BEDlgSequence.InitAsDellProvisioningOption(SharedData pSharedData) bei Symantec.BackupExec.BeSeqDlgs.BEDlgSequence.InitializeUpgradeInstall(SharedData pSharedData) bei Symantec.BackupExec.BeSeqDlgs.BEDlgSequence.InitSharedData(SharedData pSharedData) bei Symantec.IFrameSDK._Setup.ProductSequence.InitSharedData(SharedData data) bei a.a(String[] A_0)
+ 03-28-2014,09:28:27 : If this install is being run from a network share, copying the media locally and retrying the install may resolve this issue.
+ 03-28-2014,09:28:30 : ERROR: Installation failed with error -532459699. GetLastError = :0

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