Forum Discussion

RobCrezz's avatar
Level 3
17 years ago

Error with multiple jobs

We have recently purchased a dual LTO3 Drive/Loader, and to take advantage of this we want to have 2 jobs running (one for each drive) at the same time. This doesnt seem to work, one job starts and runs fine, the other that should start 15 mins later fails with a "missed" message, error:
 "e000e020 - The job was scheduled to run, but the availability window closed before the job could start. There may not have been any destination devices available during the window, or the job may have been submitted to run when the window was closed."
This is all on the same backup exec server at the moment, is this not possible unless the jobs are on seperate backup exec servers?
All updates are installed, running the jobs seperatly works fine.
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