Exchange VSS writer remains in state 5: waiting for completion after a backup
If anyone has any experience with this issue I would greatly appreciate it.
Exchange VSS writer remains in state 5: waiting for completion and completion never occurs. The only way I have been able to reset the status is by rebooting exchange. The only time I have this issue is when I use BE to backup exchange. When I use windows server backup I don't have this issue.
I can't keep rebooting the server all the time.
My environment is simple: Single Exchange Server 2007 SP3 (no rollups), using local storage. My OS is Windows Server 2008 SP2.
My Backup software is BackupExec 2010R2.
I have the same issue reguardless of device I backup to.
I do not have any errors (Event Log) during the snapshot processes. No ESE errors, No Storage Group Consistancy Errors, The Exchange IS preps all snapshots, freezes SGs, thaws SG's, and processes the post snapshots successfully.
Please take a look at The environment is not exactly the same but may give you an idea on what is being needed to be done, basically its a VSS writer issue that needs to be fixed with Microsoft Support, since the VSS writers is their technology.
If possible, please post your steps to resolve this issue so it helps other Backup Exec users too.