Expired disk backup sets not deleting
Hi all,
Recently I configured disk backups to run in our environment. After a few runs I noticed that only one of the B2D jobs was filling up the NAS device by quite a few TB over what would be expected. I noticed that although I had set the job to only keep one set at a time, the expired sets were not being deleted. Now the backups are working fine, but one particular set is still lingering and will not be removed. What I have tried so far:
1. Checking/setting the registry key "DeleteLastRecoverySetsOnceExpired" is on 1
2. Checked security permissions on some of the "frozen" backup sets
3. Checked for the type of file causing the issue (Seems to be called: Mailbox Database.edb)
4. Attempted to unexpire and then expire. Would not remove the expired tag, does not show storage size in BE either.
Not sure what else I have tried as I haven't spent too much time on it.
I have not moved any of these around manually/have checked the best practice article. I suspect that this issue ocurred when the backup server was having constant crashing issues when transferring large amounts of data, I have since fixed this. Just unusual that it is only the exchange sets wich are stuck.
This is causing the NAS to fill up by an extra 5-10TB which will cause issues down the track.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
- You will leave them as orphaned entries and you would need to log a support case so that they can be edited out. I am suggesting this so that you can can get back your disk space. Of course, you can get the support engineers to delete the bad backup set from the disk storage for you, along with the other references