Forum Discussion

9 Replies

  • Have you had a look @ this KB -

  • Need to ensure the full and log backup sequence of SQL is run using one backup application (in this case only via BE). If the backup sequence is interrupted by other backups outside of BE such as from SQL management studio, then this issue can occur.

    Secondly, log backups can be performed only on DBs whose recovery model is not simple.

  • Thanks again VJware.As I am not expert in BE, would it possible let me know how to check the sequence number are match? Also if  for sure,I wanted to have backup running on Database via Studio, will that cause any issue with BE backup? your help much appreciated.

  • If you are running backups using Studio, yes, that will cause issues with SQL backups made by BE.

    Either you disable Studio-based backups or you setup backups in such a manner that BE's sequence is not interrupted.

    For egs:

    Mon - Full backup using BE

    Tue-Fri - Log backup using BE

    Sat - Full backup using Studio

    Mon - Full backup using BE

    Tue-Fri - Log backup using BE




  • The BE backup that has been sheduled for the place where I am now is as follow:

    Mo-Thu  = Differencial using archive bit (for General) and for SQL is Full Backup on BE

    Fri = is Full backup on BE

    Where do I need to do changes so wont get the error massage from BE? I have disabled all backup sheduled on Studio console and left only BE to do the backup job.

  • You would teed to configure log backups using BE else change the recovery model from Full/Bulk Logged to Simple to avoid running transaction log backups.

    If you prefer to run transaction log backups and If using BE 2012, add an incremental backup - log method for SQL backups, and if using earlier versions of BE, add Log - Back up Transaction Log under Microsoft SQL options. Set a schedule for egs from Mon - Thu.

  • The issue is fixed now. What I have done was to Untick "Master Database" option in SQL on BE selection list. Hope it works for thers with same issue.

  • If you do not backup your Master database, then when your SQL Server machine crashes, you would not be able to recover your SQL Server databases.

    You should have 2 set of SQL backup jobs.  One for those databases with full recovery mode, i.e. they are maintaining transaction logs, and one for those databases with simple recovery mode, i.e. they are not maintaining transaction logs.  For the first set of jobs, you must include transaction log backup job so that the transaction logs can be cleared.  For the second set of jobs, you should not include a transaction log backup job because there are no transaction logs to be backed up.  The Master database should be included in the second set of jobs.

    Another thing to note is that you should not change the recovery mode of a SQL database without checking with either the SQL administrator or the database owner.  Some application requires a SQL database with full recovery mode and some would specify simple recovery mode.