Forum Discussion

Anonymous's avatar
17 years ago

Go Back corrupts Windows XP Pro - blue screen of death.

I had Go back 2007 installed in a Windows XP Pro system. It started to malfunction and technical support advised me to uninstall it using add/remove and Norton Clean UP tool. This resulted in a blue screen system crash that had corrupted Windows XP Pro. Symantec Technical Support said I had to contact Microsoft Technical Support - $80 up-front-fee if I had proceeded with them. The system would not boot from the XP disk. nor the Symantec Recovery disk. When reinstalling XP on Drive :C out of necessity, Windows corrupted the partitioning on a separate hard drive. I had to spend $500 to recover data from the second hard drive.  The problem started by GO Back not working and corrupting files. Go back in 2007 bundle is a problem and there appears to be no satisfactory warning that it will corrupt Windows XP Pro when uninstalled. Hard to recommend Symantec products under these conditions. I was also very disappointed to find in SystemWorks 2007 that Ghost had been removed and a much inferiour Save and Restore Program included. Yes, bundles make it cheaper but I feel ripped off compared to SystemWorks 2006. Overall, SystemWorks 2007 slowed my system to unbeleievable levels and then ultimately led to a full system crash with corruption of XP, loss of partitioning and loss of data. Beware.