Forum Discussion

ApieBe's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

GRT backup agent

I installed Backup exec 2012 SP1a and although I tested everything before going into production, (apparently not everything as it does not work), I'm not able to make GRT (AD, exchange, SQL, Sharepoint) backups of my virtual guests.

I have 4 Hyper-V R2 hosts with an hyperv agent installed with 16 virtal servers on a CSV.

When I run the assesment tool, I see that the agents are installed on the media server, but not marked as used. The HyperV license is install 4 times, but used once on the cluster name.

Please help

  • Hi all

    Thaks a lot to everybody to find a solution. I have found a solution thanks to the many tips I received. As I mentioned, the requirement are all completed. BUT ther is a small option Network, where I defined an interface, protocol and use any available subnet. After checking the option Allow use of any interface ... Everything is working.

    It is logic because my host and virtual servers are on a different subnet ;)

    Issue solved and thanks a lot to everybody!!!!

    Small tip for symantec:

    Wouldn't it make sense to install the option s as appl on the servers from which you want GRT backups in stead of automate it? I don't need a GRT backup of all my SQL servers, but I want be able to put them all in one Job.

    Anyway thanks again for your support

16 Replies

  • So I did not realy find something that helped me. So prbably I didn't express myself to well.
    The situation is as follow:

    *4 server in cluster running HyperV R2 hosting the virtual machines on a CSV volume of 1.3 TB. All 4 server  with an Agent of symantec installed. As I have 4 hyper V agents, this should be ok?

    *The virtual machines all have an agent installed. I have one AD, exchange, SQL and sharepoint agent. But I do have 2 domain controllers (same domain ex conso.local), I have only one exchange and one sharepoint, but do have two SQL servers (one for sharepoint and a test). So the test does not need GRT backup.


    When I run the assesment tool my options are installed but not applied on any server.


    Please help

    Already thanks a lot for all the replies, I do apprecied them

  • Hello ApieBe,

    You need to make sure that the account used for backing up the VM;s has correct permissions required on the application. This will be account listed against the VM name in the test/Edit credentials window. 

    Refer to following technote for further information:

  • thanks for you reply, the account I am using was working for Backup Exec 2010 R3.

    I followed all the requirement of Symantec as service account, ...

    the grt backup fo files is working, but not for applications

  • Make sure that requirements are met (which I believe does as it used to work in BE 2010 R3):

    Next step will be to check event logs on the VM being backed up and check if any errors were reported while perfoming backup of the application. You need to check events triggered at the start of the backup.

    If you can post the job log and event logs from the VM (in .txt) format then I can review it for you.



  • Hi all

    Thaks a lot to everybody to find a solution. I have found a solution thanks to the many tips I received. As I mentioned, the requirement are all completed. BUT ther is a small option Network, where I defined an interface, protocol and use any available subnet. After checking the option Allow use of any interface ... Everything is working.

    It is logic because my host and virtual servers are on a different subnet ;)

    Issue solved and thanks a lot to everybody!!!!

    Small tip for symantec:

    Wouldn't it make sense to install the option s as appl on the servers from which you want GRT backups in stead of automate it? I don't need a GRT backup of all my SQL servers, but I want be able to put them all in one Job.

    Anyway thanks again for your support