Forum Discussion

NewforSymantec_'s avatar
17 years ago

hi. experts.

I am very very new for symantec s/w.(fisrt IT entry job too)
But I am thinking buy 11d license for my babies(4 Servers) it is all windows servers.(all same subnet)
I have used to use ntbackup, but there are no luck to backup.
I 've never use tape-media and any storage device. Please give me a tip.
I looked up manual for this product, I cannot quit understand.
- Do I need tape media or can I go for network drive(Raid5)? like mapped drive on each servers
- Do I need dedicated media server for 11d? or Can I stick with one i had?
- Using Exchange, AD, over 4 DCs, what agencies option Do I need for?
If you have any nice advises on this environment, Please let me know.
Any suggestions would very helpful for me.
Thanks very much for your helps in advance.

2 Replies

  • 1) You don't need a tape media, thought it might be a good idea to use it rather than mapping drives, i've heard this causes lots of trouble with Backup Exec

    2) You had...?, Anyway you don't need a dedicated server, but pick something with lots of grunt to run Backup Exec, probally 1.5 Ghz min, Gigabit Ethernet, 1 GB Ram - saying this because:
      i)   Backup Exec runs on SQL which with a large database can slow the system down heaps, therefore heaps of RAM and CPU
      ii)  You want Gigabit because it's faster than 100 therefore your backups finish quicker.

    3) You will need
       4 x Exchange
       1 x Ad (I think)

  • You do not require a tape device to backup to, however it is highly recommended that you store your backups to a meduim where you can take it offsite, for disaster recovery purposes, because at the end of the day
    no backup= no recovery
    You can backup to the RAID 5 array, by mapping it as a network drive and creating a backup to disk folder, alternatively you can attach the LUN to your server if it's fibre attached.
    you only require 1 media server (backup exec), unless you plan to backup each site individually.
    I would highly recommend using the Exchange agent and ADRA (Active Directory Recovery Agent)
    you will require one of these agents per server that it is being used on i.e 4xDC's = 4x ADRA etc etc.
    you will also require a Remote Agent license for each remote (every server other than the media server) that you are backing up, HOWEVER if you purchase an exchange agent you get a remote agent license.