Forum Discussion

Ferdinand_M's avatar
9 years ago

How to : Custom email or post-command with variables


is there any way how to create custom email notification? For example add company logo or use some variables like %jobname% or %StartDateTime% ?

Next feature what Iam looking for is a post-command with variables as arguments - the same like for email %jobname% %result%, %time% ... So then I can run for example "process_result.bat %jobname% %result%" I would like to use own command to process the backup result (save in central DB, send info to monitoring system,..)

I tried SNMP traps but this offers me only very limited way how to achieve this.


thanks for any help or hint !

  • BEMCLI will be able to do what you want

5 Replies

  • Or is there any way how to get data from BackupExec SQL database ? Some documentation for tables or pre-defined queries ?

  • Hi,


    No way to add anything in to what you get out of the reports in terms of customer log etc. They're canned, and very locked down. You might be able to get away with a 3rd party application and see if it allows this.

    As for the SQL Express portion, Veritas have never publicly published anything on the table structure and you're not going to find anything on the forums unfortunately.

    Backup Exec can do pre/post commands...the admin guide will have a section around this, but whether or not it can do what you want it too is something entirely different.


  • BEMCLI will be able to do what you want
  • Ferdinand: You might want to check this out:
