Forum Discussion

avi_azerrad's avatar
20 years ago

how to backup with 2 nics at the same job ?

at my media server i am using 2 nics,for 2 differnet networks:1) intel nic that plugged into hp 2848 switch , 2) surecom nic that plugged into cisco 4506 switch.
i am backing more than 40 servers at one big job : half of them are plugged to the hp switch(those that starts with ip and the seond half plugged into the cisco catalist 4506 switch (those that starts with ip 172.16.0.X).
both of the switches are connected through fiber channel.
but i can force veritas to backup with only one nic per job !
* how can i force veritas to backup all servers with strats with ip 172.16.1.x with my intel nic(hp switch) and to backup all the servers that starts with ip 172.16.0.X with the surecom nic(cisco switch),by doing this my backup speed will be a lot better because all the servers will backed up from the same switch..
so how can i force the program to backup with 2 nics(let the program choose which nic to backup with) at the same job ??????
please answer me at details......(i tried with host files,but it doesnt working).

avi azerrad

6 Replies

  • You are probably looking at more of an OS issue, get your routing setup this way, and Veritas will have to follow.
  • If you only have one job, that means that you are only backing up one server at a time, and that means that you can only use one NIC at a time (whichever one is on the network that target server is on) Veritas should switch back and forth to the appropriate NIC automatically, depending on the target server.

    If you have two tape drives, you could set up two jobs - one for each network, each job could backup one server, onet whichever NIC was on the appropriate network, thus using two NICs at the same time.

    I don't understand your statement
    my backup speed will be a lot better because all the servers will backed up from the same switch
    what is it that will increase throughput?
  • hi ken,
    well,as i wrote,i am using 2 nics with 2 differnet ips,so the net (nic) plugged to hp switch and i want that when veritas will try backup servers with ip 172.16.1.X it will backup through nic A (from media server) and the performence of backup will be better because all of my servers including the nic that are backing them in the same switch.....
    and when veritas will notice that i need to backup server with ip 172.16.0.X (all of this servers are in the cisco switch) she will backup them through her second card that already plugged to this switch and backup will perform inside the cisco switch.
    and i want that this will happen in one job...
    it is possible ?
    or should i only can to configure one nic per job ?
    avi azerrad
  • As long as each server is only on one network, BackupExec should switch back and forth from one NIC to the other automatically within one job.
  • Hello,

    Refer the following technotes:-

    How to configure the "Specified Backup Network" feature, (also known
    as "Multi-Homed backup").
    Technote Title:-
    How to configure Backup Exec for Windows NT to backup over a specific
    network in a multiple network environment?

    NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.
  • As per our previous reply, marking the case as assumed answered and moving it to answered questions pool.