Forum Discussion

Jason_Rickert's avatar
19 years ago

IDR creation fails with Error querying registry value.

Task: Create the IDR CD media.

Program version: BENT 8.60.3878

Patches: 8,15,24,42,44,52,55,68

Error message: Error querying "\\SERVER" registry value. The system cannot find the file specified.

There appears to only be two documents describing a solution for this:

Document # 277748
Document # 232518

Document # 232518 describes the exact error message I'm receiving. However, the suggested solution was already correct in the registry. Besides that, it says this problem was fixed as of BENT 8.5 and I'm running 8.6

Document # 277748 talks about the presence of the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator which is not installed on my server from the best of my knowledge. It's not listed under Add/Remove programs.

Please help!

Jason Rickert
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