Forum Discussion

Vdang's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

Importing Catalog from Backup Exec 2014 to another 2014 server

Hello Everyone, 

I was wondering if anyone has ever tried this and would it worked to import the backup exec catalog file from Server 2008 r2 Standard to another server of the same configuration with the same version of Backup Exec and were there any problems during/after the attempt.

8 Replies

  • Hello Imosal,

    The issue that I am having is that Backup Exec is not able to catalog media tape from another backup Server that we have with the same version. For your information the case number is #07815749, Steven and Tony from the Advance team is currently looking into the issue that I am having.

  • What issues are you running into?  Please supply your case number so I can get more information.

  • Craig I have tried inventorying and cataloging the tape, but I am running into some issues with it. In addition, I am currentlyworking with a support technician to try and resolve this case but it appear that it must be escalated to a higher level of support.

    The current suggestion that was provide to me was to retire the media set and then re-inventory and catalog the tape; however, the problem is still persisting for me. Therefore at the current moment I am currenty explorering other possible solution, since the one they have provide is not working. I have came across the following article "" while waiting for the next step from technical support.

  • OK...why not just take the tape and catalog it on the other media server? This adds the tape's information into the BEDB of the remote media server, and will allow you to restore data from it.


  • I don't need the complete catalog from folder but just the require dataset that we are trying to restore onto HQ using the tape media.

  • I've never tried to move 1 media server's catalogs to another media server that's running. Not sure why you would want to do this.

    If the media server was being replaced with a new server on another network, then there would be no issues.


  • Hello Craig,

    Would it mess up the media server even if they are on a different network? 

  • ...if you're talking about importing catalogs from 1 media server to another, it should work. But it might also mess up how that other media server sees the catalogs, or even its own.

    If you're talking about moving BE to another server, then follow the TN below and you won't have an issue:
