Forum Discussion

gbmtw's avatar
Level 2
11 years ago

Independent disks error: V-79-8192-38330

I'm getting this error when backing up my VMware environment:

Job ended: 06 November 2013 at 02:59:32
Completed status: Failed
Final error: 0x200095ba - The virtual machine has independent disks. The disks that are configured in an independent-persistent mode or independent-nonpersistent mode will not be backed up.
Final error category: Resource Errors

For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-8192-38330

Looking through the job log I see:


Click an error below to locate it in the job log

Backup- VMVCB::\\abcvmadm01.mwd.local\VCGuestVm\(DC)abc(DC)\vm\Production\abc\abcDB_SLAVE2
V-79-8192-38330 - The virtual machine has independent disks. The disks that are configured in an independent-persistent mode or independent-nonpersistent mode will not be backed up.  Disk '[ABCPHESX - Datastore 01] ABCDB_SLAVE2/ABCDB_SLAVE2.vmdk' is marked as independent persistent. Ignoring for backup. 

However I have excluded it from the backup job as per the screenshot



Usually an exception would be okay, but this is causing the whole job to have a failed state, requiring us to manually check the job logs



2 Replies

  • Excluding just a particular vmdk doesn't work in BE 2012 and is not recommended either. Alternatives would be to change the disk type or to exclude the complete VM from this backup job and backup the VM as a physical machine using the Remote Agent for Windows.

  • That's a shame, I hope this is fixed in the next release.

    We can change the disk type but we do not want to take a snapshot from it as this causes it to be stunned due to the way the disk is used under high IO (Database server)

    It is a non gui linux VM, therefore cannot use the Windows agent, can we use the Linux agent and exclude the disk that way while still protecting the OS disk?