Forum Discussion

Shahin123's avatar
Level 6
12 years ago

Job Rate


We have BE 2010 R2 that works with a  Dell backup library, I have 4 jobs that for last 3 years works very good, but since 2 days ago my differenatial back-up job has a really low Job rate like 114 MB/min. the same job untill 2 days ago has an 1716 MB/min job rate. so the same job that every night take about 45 min to backup 100 GB data, now take us like 13 hours.

Nothing has been change on the media server side or the job. any idea why the job rate is too low? and how can I solve this issue.



  • ...check the AV on that server and make sure it isn't scanning beremote.exe. If this isn't the server you did a copy test from, do so as well to rule out network issues.

    Failing that, try a reboot and run the job again.

14 Replies

  • should I setup the full backup also to use modified Time?or only for diff backup? also by USN journal you mean Microdoft change Journal available right? should I enable his option also for both full backup and diff backup both?



  • Is there anything showing up in Windows events on the server with the speed issue (especially when it starts to slow down) ? 

  • You should use the same backup method for both your full and diff backups.  Also, you should use the change journal for both jobs.

  • I found out that windows has 2 optional ipdates for the LTO5 tape and for tape library, I did install both and reboot the server and now every thing works just fine.

    Thanks for your help.

