Forum Discussion

Chris_O_Brien_2's avatar
19 years ago

Mail recipients and Template jobs

I create templates for my jobs. We have a new person to add to the notification list but there is no configure mail recipient option on the templates. I used tools to create "configure recipient" for the new account and sent the test. There is no way to assign the new user to the jobs and no notification selection on the templates unless I go to the job itself but when I go to the job it says all associations with the template will be lost if I edit the job. I don’t want to lose association with schedules and media sets I have defined in the templates.

Is there another way to add a user to email notification from the template?

2 Replies

  • I had to delete and re-create all of my jobs from the templates. That seems to be the only way to add a new recipient to a job created from templates. With 5-8 jobs per backup server and 6 locations it is kind of a pain to not be able to add a new person to the recipient list.
  • thank you for the update. Should you have any more questions, do keep us posted!


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