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staningrimsby's avatar
11 years ago

Manual Recovery

Hi Everyone, Just a little help if you don't mind please, as my SDR has decided not to work anymore for some unknown reason I tried today to do a disaster recovery test on a spare poweredge we have. Everything started ok I installed toe same OS as the original 2008 R2 to the same drive (C), it was the same size (300GB) and was also NTFS the same as the original. Then I performed all windows updates as the guide says and went on to install BE2012 into a location other than that of the original, so it was installed in C:\Program Files\Symantec\BERestore also SQL was installed into C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\BERestore. I rebooted the server and launched BE2012, configured the storage device (in this case that was an RDX drive the same as the original), then from the storage tab performed an inventory and cataloged the disk. The next step was to start the restore so I clicked on Restore >> Files, Folders or Volumes >> File & Folder Backups Then I select the C-Drive and it lists the contents of what is contained on the RDX disk and click next, select install to original location, next restore over existing files, next next, next, next, finish The restore runs for about 10 seconds or less than fails with the following error; "The job failed with the following error: unable to attach to a resource. make sure that all selected resources exist and are online, and then try again. If the server or resource no longer exists, remove it from the selection list. Edit the selection list properties, click the view selection details tab, and the remove the resource" This is not a remote restore the RDX backup is a local drive with a full backup on it not an incremental or differential, please help because of the Christmas break coming I would like the assurance that DR can be achieved if anything happened.
  • Hello there,

         Add DNS suffix as mentioned in this technote : Disaster Recovery of a Microsoft Windows 2003 Server fails with the error "The media server was unable to connect to the Remote Agent on machine ServerName.FQDN.Local. The media server will use the local agent to try to complete the operation. Unable to attach to \\ServerName.FQDN.Local\C:"


    This technote does mention the error that you are getting too.


    Let me know the result after following these steps.




8 Replies

  • Hello there,

       Please refer to the following technote which gives the steps to be performed in this scenario. : 'Unable to attach to a resource' may occur when a restore is attempted if the machine name does not match the name listed in the Backup Exec Remote Agent Utility when the backup was performed.




  • Does it matter that this is not a remote server and is actually the media server ???

  • Hello there,

        Yes. It will matter as it also uses Remote Agent service on the Media Server.




  • Im a bit lost now Im afraid, when I try to recover my stand alone server, after installing the OS surly I just need BE2012 installing and not the remote agent as it has nothing to connect to the RDX drive is local to this server.
  • With the installation of BE on the local server the Remote Agent service on the local server is automatically installed. You do not have to install it seperately.




  • Yep I thought so, I have done that but it still won't restore saying the resource is no longer available. I have checked the Computer name and the only difference is that one is called 2008server and the other is 2008server.****** as its the domain controller. When I checked the tutorial it said not to add it to a domain as that would be done when the system state is recovered.
  • Hello there,

         Add DNS suffix as mentioned in this technote : Disaster Recovery of a Microsoft Windows 2003 Server fails with the error "The media server was unable to connect to the Remote Agent on machine ServerName.FQDN.Local. The media server will use the local agent to try to complete the operation. Unable to attach to \\ServerName.FQDN.Local\C:"


    This technote does mention the error that you are getting too.


    Let me know the result after following these steps.




  • Fantastic that worked first go, amazing how such a minute detail can stop everything, thank you so much that's made my life much easier.