Forum Discussion

k_vanDuijvenbod's avatar
10 years ago

Move BE 2014 to new server: 536928977

Hi all,

This is my goal:

Old server: Win2008 R2, BE2014, SQL on SQL server
New server: Win2008R2, BE2014, SQL on  same server.

I used to migrate the DATA, CATALOG en SQL data to the new server. Everything went smooth.

Until I started the BE services. The Backup Exec Device and Media Service cannot started. I get error: 

The Backup Exec Device and Media Service cannot start because it detected a database schema version mismatch. 

Strange, because I run a succefull BEMIG. 

Status Message: Backup Exec Device & Media Service Database, version 14.100000 is up to date. No changes are required.
Status Message: ADAMM upgrade ended

What can I do now?