Forum Discussion

Ryan_RTC's avatar
Level 2
9 years ago

NDMP Restore to Alternate Location

Backup Exec 15 (FP3)

NDMP Device: Dell Compellent FS8600

NDMP Platform: FluidFS 3.940120


I am trying to restore files from an NDMP backup to an alternate location (same NDMP device and volume, but different subfolder).  After selecting an alternate location, the following warning is displayed below my selected path:

"Backup Exec cannot locate the destination drive that you entered.  Ensure that the drive exists and that the credentials are correct.  Click Next to continue with the path that you entered."


I click Browse and select the NDMP server and volume.  This auto-populates the Drive and Path fields with the following:

Drive: //NDMPSERVER:10000/Volume

Path: \

Even if I leave the fields how they were auto-populated from selecting the volume through Browse, I will receive the warning about not locating the destination drive.  Following these steps has always worked for me in Backup Exec 2012 and 2014.  Again, the alternate restore location is the same NDMP device and volume as the backup.  Of course, if I choose the option to restore to the original location, everything proceeds just fine.   My NDMP platform is on the Backup Exec 15 HCL.  Any ideas?

  • Hello Ryan RTC

    Path: \ is this the root path of the filer ?

    I do not think that you can restore on the root path, you should create a directory and restore to it, and check permissions on the volume.

    check this :

    best regards,


5 Replies

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  • If you just click "next", does the redirected restore run OK?  Seems like it is a false alarm that BE is raising.

  • Yes, it does allow me to continue and run the restore.  But for some reason it completely ignores the path that I specify and just drops the files in their original location.

  • According to an internal source this used to work in earlier versions/updates of Backup Exec and as such you should log a formal support case for us to investigate further. If you do log a case please send me (via Pribvate Mesaage) your case number so that I can add the details I received internally to the case.

  • Hi.
    I have a client that has the same problem. Only the error is displayed, but the restoration is hassle ...

  • Hello Ryan RTC

    Path: \ is this the root path of the filer ?

    I do not think that you can restore on the root path, you should create a directory and restore to it, and check permissions on the volume.

    check this :

    best regards,
