Forum Discussion

Rayza's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

Network drive - Backup keeps cancelling

I upgraded from BE12.5D to 2012 (fully updated). I have a network share which was setup in 12.5 and the backup was created succesfully. In 2012 the backup keeps cancelling saying the folder is offline. The share was created in 12.5 using the \\server\folder notation and the permissions were set to everyone can read/write. When I try and do an Inventory & Catalog I get the following error:

Inventory Device 00003 -- The job failed with the following error: Physical Volume Library Drive or Robot paused, offline, or disabled.

The KB article doesn't shed any light on the problem. The folder is listed as "online" in 2012 even when the job starts.


  • After upgrading the agent to the latest version the backup completed successfully.


6 Replies

  • For BE 2012, all B2D folders will be treated as Legacy B2D Folders and these are read-only. If you want to continue backing up to your share, you would have to go to the Storage tab and define a disk storage on that share. The old B2D folder can be used for restores
  • If the folder is online but the icon for the folder shows a pencil with a red strike through it, then it is in Read Only mode. (In other words online for restores)


    The properties of the drive will show a similar setting that can be changed back to Read write


    BE 2012 does not allow multiple Disk storage devices on the same volume (12.5 dis) as such both during an upgrade and ongoing will put a number of disk storage devices into the Read Only mode if it finds a violation of this requuirment.


    EDIT: We also put device into Read Only if they have been offline from the media server for too long (default 14 days) reason for this is that sometimes customers will vault USB disks and eventually bring them back for a one off restore. However if DLM reclaim starts against expired media, the sets you need to restore from might get deleted before you can restore unless we marked the drive as Read Only to give you chance to restore from a really old set.

  • I decided to start again from scratch with the network storage and thats where I found what the problem was. It seems there is something wrong with the permissions of the folder. I wanted to delete all the data but wasn't able to from Windows. I logged on to the Linux server hosting the folder and I can't even delete the data or folder from their either.

    I created a new folder and also a new network drive in BE. The backup started and was able to access the folder but it created over 100 4mb .bkf files?? and then the job failed with:

    The job failed with the following error: A failure occurred accessing the Writer metadata.

    I looked at the job log and it says that the remote agent is running a previous version?? The only reason I can think this has happened is that the agent was installed prior to the SP and hotfix. I'll update it and try again.

  • ...that error message could also refer to the VSS writers, so after running th eagent upgrade, open a command prompt and type: vssadmin list writers, and make sure all the writers are running and stable.


  • After upgrading the agent to the latest version the backup completed successfully.