Forum Discussion

formermaritimer's avatar
11 years ago

No Details for error message: The resource could not be backed up because an error occurred while connecting to Backup Exec for Windows

Hi community members,


Im running Symantec Backup Exec 11d and I get the following error when trying to run a job that backes up BackupExec information:


The resource could not be backed up because an error occurred while connecting to Backup Exec for Windows


The problem is that error log doesnt tell me what machine it is failing on.  Is there any way to find this out?



  • Is the Backup Exec Remote Agent running on that Server? Look in the Event viewer for any Event ID 1000. Also, if the Agent is not running, is there any other application using port 10000

6 Replies

  • Is the Backup Exec Remote Agent running on that Server? Look in the Event viewer for any Event ID 1000. Also, if the Agent is not running, is there any other application using port 10000

  • Please verify that the remote agent for windows is started/running on the exchange server that you are trying to backup 

  • Actually, the agent was stopped :( so I restarted it and im running the job again so we will see what happens.

  • Exchange wasnt an issue here.  It was the remote agent on the actual backup server itself that was stopped for some unknown reason, so I restarted it, rerun the job and it was fine.  The only thing it seemed to affect was the job that collects information for BackupExec, but not the normal backup jobs.


    Thanks for your help folks.