Forum Discussion

Raphael_R's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

No point in time backup sets in Disaster recovery SDR.

I've got the exact same issue as this thread which is unanswered.

Trying to perform an SDR from a backup which is SDR enabled using the DR file which is copied to the RDX cartridge at the end of the backup shows no Point in time backup sets to recover. RDX cartridge contains all bkf files and DR file shows correct time stamp for when backup was completed. RDX cartridge works fine attempting to restore with backup exec in full os. Just not in SDR.

This is occuring on 3 seperate servers, all using BEX 2012. All pushing backups to RDX. Backups used to be able to be used in SDR. No changes have been made to backup configuration. Only BEX updates have been applied. SDR boot media is same media as was used on successful SDR 3 months ago.

  • Was this RDX cartridge the original storage media used for the backup and currently is the RDX cartridge locally attached to the server which you are trying to recover or is attached to the BE media server itself ?

    Additionally, where did you copy the .DR file from ?

    Lastly are you using the default SDR boot media or a custom SDR boot media ?



  • Yes it is. We do a full system backup to RDX cartridge every night. RDX cartridge is inserted locally into the machine we are trying to restore to.

    Backup Exec is configured to use the RDX cartridge as the Alternate path for the DR file. So it's not copied from anywhere. Backup exec creates the DR file after each SDR enabled backup and puts it on the RDX.

    Boot media is standard and is the exact same boot media we used 3 months ago to perform this exact same scenario on exactly the same machine.

  • Does it make any difference in the SDR recovery if you attempt to use media which is locally connected to the media server ?

    I would also recommend logging a formal support case so that this issue can be investigated in detail.

  • The media we are using is locally connected. The RDX cartridge is directly inserted into the machine and is attached via SATA. We dont use the agent-media server approach as we dont want to be shifting terabytes across our network each night. Each "media server" only backs up itself to locally attached RDX cartridges each night.

    We have a maintenance agreement in place so I'll raise a support request now.

    Thanks for your help VJ.

  • In Backup exec under the Simplified Distaster Recovery Settings a folder on the RDX cartridge is selected as the alternative path for the DR file. This file is created after each successful backup and works fine in SDR. 

    By design another DR file is created in \VERITAS\B2D on the RDX cartridge after a successful backup but it does not work. This is the one SDR automatically uses. Despite selecting the other DR file in SDR, the wizard still attempts to use this faulty DR file. A work around we have found is deleting the faulty DR file from the RDX cartridge in the SDR wizard and then selecting the working DR file. Then the SDR wizard uses the correct DR file and shows point in time options. 

    I understand that the DR file stored in VERITAS\B2D is by design but unfortunately this file does not work for us. I've asked support to investigate why this file doesnt work. I'll post any finding or results here for others.

  • Symantec support for some reason closed my case and don't respond to any additional comments I've added to the closed case.

    Have created a new case as I'd like a resolution to the fact the DR file created by Backup Exec is broken.

    Online case tool is AWFUL! I tried to put what I wrote above (posting as Nang-a-nator) as the fault description but the system just generates an error stating to much additional information has been entered but does'nt give the option to edit it, meaning you have to start from scratch again.

  • My company email address changed and as far as I'm aware you cant delete or merge accounts (I've got about 8 accounts in total with email addresses from various companies I've worked for as well as my personal one). All my previous support cases and license management are on my old email address. I registered on here again with my new email address so i'd get email notifications.

  • You can edit your SymAccount and change the e-mail address.