Forum Discussion

Ronald_Pereira's avatar
18 years ago

Potential deadlock condition when preforming backup.

Good Day all,

When I am performing a backup i encounter this error. I was able to perform a full backup prior to this. Please assist..Thanks in advance.

Backup- \\WWTPS1\C:
Snapshot provider error (0x46B): A potential deadlock condition has been detected.
Check the Windows Event Viewer for details.
V-79-57344-37907 - Snapshot error during backup. Set has been canceled.

Verify- \\WWTPS1\C:
Unexpected end of backup set encountered on Week2.
V-79-57344-34004 - End of data set was unexpectedly encountered.

6 Replies

  • There are three patches, probably won't help with this issue but you never know. Deadlocks usually refer to IO. Is your network switch generating errors on the media server switch port?

    Try it with AOFO turned off to isolate it.

    You can also look at previous job logs for errors/warnings, the problem may have been creeping up. The Windows application log may also provide good data.

    Has the server you are backing up run low on disk space?
  • Hi Philip,

    Thanks for the tips, I managed to resolve the problem. I checked the Event Viewer on the client server and found that the backup was stopped due to a particular file. When I checked more details it stated that it detected a corrupted file. I ran chkdsk and then used fix damaged files. Reboot the server and tried to backup. This time it worked. No errors.

  • I am experiencing a similar problem.  I get the "Possible deadlock condition." error prompt. and the server more or less locks up and becomes unresponsive.  This happens when running a backup to disk to an external USB drive.  I unplugged the USB drive and the system became responsive again.  Looking in the event viewer it said something about not being able to lock the Changer.cfg file in the B2D folder I was backing up to. I deleted and recreated the B2D folder as I suspected is was corrupt.  It is backing up as I type.  We'll see if completes with out locking up this time.
  • No luck!
    It ran 14% until "Possible deadlock condition."  It seems rather random.  Sometimes right away it will error.  Other times it will get ~90% complete before erroring.  Running test runs of the backup complete successfully.  Any suggestions?

    Message Edited by Brian Hammer on 04-27-200708:41 AM