Forum Discussion

Frank_Larsen's avatar
19 years ago

Problem backup server with Symantec Mail Security for Exchange (SMSMSE).


This is a problem that sometimes occur.

The backup fails with these errors:

V-79-57344-65033 - Directory not found. Cannot backup directory \Program Files\Symantec\SMSMSE\4.6\Server\bm_ruleset.1.spamsig_rules.1129332827 and its subdirectories.
V-79-57344-65033 - Directory not found. Cannot backup directory \Program Files\Symantec\SMSMSE\4.6\Server\bm_ruleset.2.spamsig_rules.1129331595 and its subdirectories.

I have searched Veritas forums, but all that I find relates to backup af MS Exchange Mailboxes.

Media-server is running on seperat server (BE v. 10.0)
MS Exchange and SMSMSE is running on another server, and is backup by Remote Agent and Exchange Agent.

More info:
This setup is also running another place without any problems.
Another setup with MS Exchange, SMSMSE and BE v. 10.0 running on same server works without any problems.

3 Replies

  • Hi,
    Please refer this technote:

    NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked "assumed answered" and would be moved to "answered questions" pool.
  • Have checked the technote.

    I does not apply since we are not backing up mailboxes.

    We use a long retention period on mailboxes.

    I have come to the conclusion that the problem with SMSMSE shall be adressed to Symantec Antivirus unit.

    Because, its SMSMSE that make the temp files and dir that Backup Exec cannot backup.

    I will of course notice you of any relevant result of my inqueries to Symantec Antivirus Unit.
  • Solved according to this doc.:

    It refers to this doc.: