Forum Discussion

Nick_Dale's avatar
Level 2
18 years ago

Query re: 11d restore functionality

We are currently running Backup Exec v10 and are planning on upgrading to 11d.
I have a query regarding the restore functionality:-
You can choose to restore by Media (search through a specific backup) or by resource (which lets you drill down to server/drive level) only.
I want to be able to restore in the same way used to be able to with Arcserve - where you can drill through server level, drive and right to the actual folder/file you want to restore - when you click on it, it will tell you which tape(s) it exists on and obviously the date last modifed etc.
Can this be done in 11d?
Many thanks in advance.

3 Replies

  • Hi,

    Go to "View by resources" >"Servername"-Right click on the backup set which you want to restore.

    The "Media" tab will show which media was used for the backup, Creation Date, Allocated date,Modified Date.

    Hope that's what you were looking for..

  • Hi Padmaja.
    Thanks very much for your reply, though it's not quite what I was trying to find out:-

    Say I know the name and location of the file I need to restore, but I don't know what media set it's on (due to differential backups it might be on Mon, Tue or Wed).

    Rather than having to search for it in each of the Mon, Tue, Wed tapes - I want to be able to see an explorer type function that I can use to drill down to server > drive > folder > file - then right click when I find the file - and it will tell me what tapes that file is on.

    Hope this is a little clearer to understand?!
    Thanks again.Message was edited by:
    Nick Dale
  • Hi,

    Unfortunately it is not possible right now. Please subscribe to our enhancement link to get the updated information about the product.

